Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Dear CCR Family and Friends,

For the next few weeks at CCR we’ll be going through a simple rotation of sermons we’ve called, “From the Pastor’s Heart.” I’ll preach this coming Sunday, and Eddie Mwunvaneza will do the following two Sundays.

This Sunday I would greatly appreciate your feedback. I’m going to lay out a beginning proposal for CCR to begin care for the most vulnerable orphan children in Rwanda. If you follow CCR and my writing you’ve seen the journey.

On 17 March, 2009 I wrote an article for Rwanda Dispatch entitled, “What About Vulnerable Children?” (To see the article check out
) I argued that many attempts to deal with vulnerable children were more of an effort to meet one’s emotional needs. I acknowledged that I did not have this dilemma figured out. However, if the issue is not decisively addressed it will become an economic disaster for our future hopes. The only answer I saw was in the development of three institutions – families, schools, and businesses.

On Sunday, 7 November CCR joined other churches around the world as participants in Orphan Sunday.
(To see my reflections on that Sunday check out

We had a deep sense that God would move within CCR to address this issue, but at the same time did not know exactly what that would be.

My wife, Jana gathered people for months to pray.

We’ve had discussions with other organizations. We’ve read our bibles. We’ve listened.

I sense the time has come for me to make a proposal that Jana and I have wrestled with called, “Spoken For.” I’ve shared it with our other CCR leaders and they agree the time has come to put the proposal before all of you.

I hope you can be with us this Sunday. Also, I hope you know that like all my sermons I hope you’ll feel free to discuss this one. I’m going to propose a direction, but CCR is a community and we need the full wisdom of our community to become all God intends.

Imana ikurinde,


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