Thank you for the support and encouragement you offered us during the Christmas season as we struggled through Gabriel having seizures. His seizures have reduced from approximately 3 per day to now only a few in the last month. We are very thankful.
We are entering a season of great transitions. Through such seasons it is best to remember the faithfulness of God. This month we ask your prayers in the following matters:
1. On Thursday, 9 February we turned in all the documents we understand are needed for Rwanda’s Child Commission to declare Mugisha Gabriel adoptable. We ask that this process will be will be rapidly completed and Gabriel will be matched with a family who can nurture him to thrive.
2. Last year, Dave begged God for Sophia to be admitted to Wheaton College. After her admission we did not know how we would pay the tuition. Friends in Rwanda and the United States arose to the challenge and her first semester was paid. As she left Rwanda from her Christmas holidays we still did not know how her second semester of tuition would be paid. A few weeks ago, Sophia was given a grant that has paid all except a few hundred dollars of her spring tuition. We are very thankful.
3. Our family will be returning to the United States in June sensing God has called us to mature ROC as a missionary sending organization. Please pray for this transition. Our hearts are much like how we perceive Paul must have felt as he left a local church to move to a new location. We are pouring our lives into people while entrusting their future to the Lord. This season requires for us to give up our sense of home and community to answer a new call. May God be glorified in this transition.
Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement that empower our family and ministry.
Imana ikurinde (May God Stay with All of You),
Dave and Jana
P.S. To read more stories of our transition see our recent blogs at http://jenkinsinrwanda.blogspot.com/2012/02/gestures-of-affection.html
and http://jenkinsinrwanda.blogspot.com/2012/01/farewells-of-hope.html
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