Dear Youthful Friends,
You may have heard that my family will be returning to the USA on 4 June. With just a few months left we want our time to be spent on the most important matters. My greatest hope is that the Lord will call us in a few years to return to Rwanda. I want to see Rwanda when your generation is providing her leadership.
I had lots of fun with you discussing ghost students. I hope you got the point - Truth matters. You cannot lead in Rwanda’s development if no one trusts you.
I have one more point. Compassion matters. We have on ongoing crisis in Rwanda with abandoned and orphaned children. If they are not raised in families it will be quite difficult for Rwanda to reach her vision of being a middle income nation. There is one simple answer. They must be incorporated into families through adoption with the full legal and relationship rights as biological children.
My family for the last 10 months has been blessed to go on a journey with a brave Rwandan child named Mugisha Gabriel. He has grown from 1.4 kilos to over 7 kilos. He has gone from 3 convulsions per day to now not having a convulsion in 33 days.
Yesterday, the KACYIRU court finalized his adoption to Mark and Chelsea Jacobs. On Sunday, 25 March at 10:00 a.m. our community will bless Mugisha and the Jacobs through a Hand Over Ceremony at Christ’s Church in Rwanda, 2020 Vision Estate, Gaculiro. I hope you will be able to attend.
My hope is that the Hand Over will begin a new culture among Rwanda’s youth of embracing the adoption of orphaned and abandoned children.
Great work Pastor!
ReplyDeleteA new wave of paradigm shift seems coming to Rwandans.
Whereas in the early days families adopted only their orphaned relatives,this time it has changed a little bit,and pp'le just adopt but of course without legal back-up.
#There is a new song(Na ahataracya hazacya) that about the shift.
Keep up the empathetic work too.