After spending a year in the United States we have come away convinced of several things. First, our Diaspora people from Africa’s Great Lakes are here and need shepherding. Two, the United States herself is in desperate need of missionaries. We have become convinced that God has called us to church plant again. We are going to do it with our Diaspora friends. Our intent is not to plant an African church, but to plant a multi-cultural church that serves many cultures and generations.
Many compare the journey of church planters to birth (Galatians 1:15; 4:19; Titus 1:4.) We concur. Before a birth happens there is a season of preparation. The physical body stretches. At times it is painful. Preparation for birth is all consuming. Not only does the body change; but finances are adjusted, doctors are visited, rooms are prepared, and a community waits in anticipation. We are in birth preparation again.
Some consider church planting to be the task of the young and strong. We agree. The hours are long and demanding. There is usually great painful turmoil to start. The future is full of many mysteries.
We’re in our mid 40’s. Most who church plant do so in their 20’s and 30’s. Our eyes and ears have lost a little. Our bodies hurt a little. Yet God has given us a great wealth of relationships and experiences. Also, God has also given us just a few more youthful steps than some of our peers. We must well steward these gifts from the Lord (Joshua 14:6-15; Matthew 25:14-30.)
We deeply love both our Diaspora and American friends. Due to this love which God has given us we must church plant again.
We ask your prayers and support in this calling,
Mungu akubariki (May God bless you),
Dave and Jana
P.S. To read our vision process check out http://jenkinsinrwanda.
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