Monday, June 7, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,

The season of the Jenkins Summer Mystery Tour has begun. Dave and the boys are now in Minnesota sharing our Rwanda journey with family and friends while Jana and the girls are packing up in Oklahoma City. We’re entering into one of those refugee / pilgrim moments. It’s always a season of both a little turmoil and discovery.

This month we ask your prayers for the following matters:

1. Thankfulness for our kid’s past academic year.
Though the last year was not what we intended God placed our kids in places where they could grow and discover. May our family’s next season also be one of growth and discovery.

2. Thankfulness for continued improvement of our health. Though we still have a few moments of residual pain we are doing better the last month. Also, Brett Shreck has come out of surgery well. May God’s glory be shown through our health struggles.

3. Foresight and wisdom. We believe that God has called us to return shortly to Rwanda to nurture growth at Christ’s Church in Rwanda. Growth requires foresight and wisdom. May God give us increasing measures of foresight to see His intentions and practical wisdom to make the most of opportunities He places before us each day.

4. The discovery of like-minded partners.
As we share the stories of our Rwanda journey it really is amazing. Time away has allowed us to see beyond daily problem solving. Many tell us, “We can’t believe what God has done in just a few years.” Thank you for those God reminders. Now it seems our next God sized task is to discover those willing to journey with us. May God raise up new partners to share in this vision.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement that sustain our family and ministry.

Imana ikurinde (May God Keep All of You),

Dave and Jana

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