Friday, April 8, 2011


I am in the final stages of unpacking my office and sorting through files. I just found a private business document that I believe I need to make public so God can be honored. It reads:

11 June 2009


To Whom It May Concern;

We appoint Tom Gooch, John Osborne, and Sophia Jenkins to serve as our power of attorney in the event that one of us is unable to conduct business. Such appointment grants any of these individuals power to make decisions on financial or medical matters at their sole discretion. This appointment shall last until revoked by another document. This appointment can be used if one or both of us are outside of the United States, not able to communicate, or incapacitated due to health reasons.


David Lloyd Jenkins

Jana Denise Jenkins



Jana had been suffering from severe pain in her lower left abdomen from January 2009. We had seen doctors in Kigali with little help. During the first two weeks of June Sophia, Jana, and I traveled to Nairobi to seek medical help. We had gone through two years of birth pains with the launch of CCR and KICS that we now believe broke our physical health. While in Nairobi we saw movies, ate at Java House, drank Dr. Pepper, reconnected with old friends, worshipped at Nairobi Baptist and Pentecostal churches, and in two weeks laughed more than we had in 2 years. However, Jana’s pain was increasing significantly. At times we could manage it, but we spent one night in the Emergency Room at Aga Khan Hospital in which I had not seen Jana in such pain since she was in labor. It appeared she had a tumor, but much was undiagnosed. We began having discussions about exploratory surgery.

At this point we decided that it was time to send Jana to the USA to seek help. I put her and Sophia on a plane to Oklahoma City. I then flew back to Kigali to be with our other 4 kids. We did not know where this would end.

A little while before Jana and Sophia’s flight, Jana told me how to manage life if she did not live through the next few days to weeks. I wrote the previous Power of Attorney note in the event that something went horribly wrong on Jana and Sophia’s travel. I prayed for it not to happen, but in the back of my mind knew my 17 year old daughter may have to make the toughest decisions of her life on that trip.

Fortunately, the Power of Attorney was never used.

I was beginning to feel familiar pain in the back of my left shoulder radiating down my arm.

Six weeks later Timothy and I joined Jana and Sophia in Oklahoma City. A few days later Jana had a hysterectomy and a benign tumor removed from her colon.

A couple weeks after this I was diagnosed with 2 herniated discs on my neck. The three children remaining in Rwanda joined us in Oklahoma City and we enrolled them in school. In late September, Tom and Sue Gooch replaced us in Kigali. A few days later I had a plate put on my spine as the herniated discs were removed.

We spent a year in the US healing our body and spirits. In the process we learned our loss of community and physical health was the Kingdom of God’s gain.

We still have residual pain, but it reminds us of God’s grace and sovereignty.

We revoked the Power of Attorney, but this note hangs in my Kigali CCR office as a reminder of God’s Providence.

May God receive all glory for His healing power.


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